Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm Dreaming

I'm Dreaming

I’m dreaming,…. Although I desire to wake up
But I don’t want to because the truth is,
REALITY…exhausts me.
Forcing me to believe that maybe, just maybe,
You can never get too much sleep.
Because in my dreams,
I am loved
Loved effortlessly, wholeheartedly, in an attempt to match the love I reciprocrate.
In my dreams,
Life doesn’t come with disappointment and regret for things that were unintentional.
In my dreams,
My mind and my heart are in sync,
Not compelling me to choose which one to follow, narrowing my decision down to what’s real and what’s make believe.
I’m sadly aware of these choices because when I awake,
make believe warms me; while real…leaves me out in the cold.

In my dreams,
I find peace and serenity beyond measure
Security beyond words, actions or feelings.
Security worthy of being protected by God…. Also known as faith.
In my dreams,
I walk aimlessly,
Yet with so much direction
Point A always leads to point B in my dreams.
Hard work and learning will always lead to success…yet only in my dreams.

In the end,
My dreams are bittersweet.
As I am comforted while I sleep,
I’m always confronted with reality when I awake,
A reality so brutal that,
Leaves me anxiously waiting to go back……..
To my dreams.