Monday, August 31, 2009

Homewrecker!!!! ....devil's advocate

Scenario: So you've been dating this guy for what seems like enough time to realize that he's " THE ONE". You begin to plan your future including him with aspirations of marriage, kids, location change, etc. Every thing seems to be going great when all of a sudden, you start to notice subtle changes that eventually make you realize that you're not in Kansas anymore. Hey, it may not be going so well but WHO CARES!!!??!!...he's " the one" right? So you deal and try your hardest to get back to where you once were when...... one day you come to the harsh realization that...BAM !!! This motherfu*cker has been creepin! Yes, your "soulmate" has cheated on you. And you swear that you didn't even see it coming!!!! The End.

Ok, so in a nutshell, that's nonsense. As we get older, I'd like to think that we have enough common sense to realize that nothing just happens all of a sudden. No matter how good a guy may have become at hiding his deceptive behavior ,there were ALWAYS signs. The important thing to remember is that the signs you're looking for are from HIM. As much as we'd like to think that men are of the weaker sex when it comes to willpower and turning down any women that throws "it" in their faces, the fact remains you weren't dating the other women. You were dating HIM. Whether she knew about you not, or no matter how much you wanna believe that she turned him to betray you, luring him in with what seems like a better life , it doesn't change the fact that the problem you have is ultimately between HIM and you. Who she is, what she does ,when she does it, and how, isn't something that you need to concern yourself with; ultimately IF her character is in question, payback isn't now your inherited duty in order to defend good women everywhere trying to keep a man. Besides, if this man you knew so well couldve decieved you, he's very capable of decieving her too....there's two sides to every story.

Should there really be such a term as a "HOMEWRECKER"??? How could this woman have possibly "broken up a happy home" if she didn't even live in your house? Furthermore you need to ask yourself was your HOME really that happy or were you living in a house that constantly needed renovations? MY Opinion: some of us women like to give hints. We like to drop subtle signs all over the place in order to fix something we don't like, or get something we want. When that doesn't work then, and only then, will we change our plan of action. As we have become so good at this, how could we not acknowledge the signs of others? Although we tend to get a bad rap for prying and nagging, if something doesn't seem right, its important that you act on it. If your significant other is telling you everything is fine yet, you clearly see that things are not the same as they were in the begining, it may be time for you to get to know this person you see as your potential mate a little better. As time goes on you may be fortunate enough to learn what you slowly won't tolerate anymore.
Although the purpose of this entry was initially to address women who are distraught and unsettled because of harsh feelings revolving around an untrustworthy relationship,the idea of truly getting to know each other can help any relationship that may be in turmoil. The problem is not always a cheating man that can't be trusted. NOT ALL MEN CHEAT. Yet just like women, men are HUMAN first. They go through a series of trial and error just like us. Before you get to the point where your left heartbroken and emotionally destitute, vowing to never love again, use communication to the best of your ability. Whether you choose to or not, it will never change the fact that there are always signs that that you need to look for which can either lead you in the wrong or right direction. If you choose to remain ignorant to the map in front of you, no matter how hurtful it may seem, you may have to suck it up and take responsibility for getting lost.

1 comment:

8 said...

Someone once told me "A woman always knows what she's dealing with", which I have found to be very true. I don't think any hurtful situation I have ever been in can truly be seen as a surprise especially after I looked back and reflected on it. There's a difference between giving someone the benefit of the doubt and overlooking ridiculously huge red flags. But hey, we live and we learn.