Is it better to go through life waiting for opportunity to knock or is it better to just open the door and see for yourself? Today we live in a society with a mentality of impatience where we automatically assume that whatever it is that we desire won't come to light unless we go forth and heavily , sometimes insanely pursue it...which in many cases is a true argument. I'm all for "grindin" to get to where you want to be, but there are some cases where the " fight" has become so drawn out that we've exhausted the possibility of winning. We start to believe that extra money won't come unless we hustle, your potential husband won't come unless you go out and date every dude out there with a pulse that seems available until you find the right one, or a certain friend won't get the message unless we constantly beat him/her over the head with our perception of their crazy actions. As we weigh the pros and cons constantly trying to force our desires , it may be better to just relax and wait your turn. Whether you believe in destiny or not, everything does comes in its due time right?. There are instances in which we have to grab opportunities when we can, yet at the end of the day, when we force something that may not be ready to evolve, the results may not be in our favor. Life has a funny way of throwing us curveballs that mask itself in the shape or form of our wants and needs ,but every opportunity to get ahead or advance in whatever way( work, education, relationships) may not always be on point.
Key message: Take it one day at a time. Whether we prefer to dwell in the bliss of ignorance or not, we can always tell when something...or someone has run its course. However just because the road has ended doesn't mean that our journey has ended as well. Sometimes we just need to relax until a new pathway forms leading to that destination that we desire. In the meanwhile, appreciate how far you've gotten on your journey thus far...theyres no turning back.
Key message: Take it one day at a time. Whether we prefer to dwell in the bliss of ignorance or not, we can always tell when something...or someone has run its course. However just because the road has ended doesn't mean that our journey has ended as well. Sometimes we just need to relax until a new pathway forms leading to that destination that we desire. In the meanwhile, appreciate how far you've gotten on your journey thus far...theyres no turning back.
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