So its Monday morning, and you get to work with your spirits high (as high as they can be for a Monday) , ready to get your work down and be outta there by 5. Hey, if you like your job, you may even put in the extra effort, go in early and leave later...all that good stuff that's held you in high regards with your co-workers and supervisors...some of them anyway.After some time passes, your hard work is paying off! You get either a raise or promotion. Then for some strange reason, you begin to hear rumors behind your back, and may even start to get the silent treatment. One day without warning, dirty looks start from the coworkers that just brought you coffee and a sesame bagel yesterday! What's up?!!!
The sad truth is that some people are just motivated to come into work for different reasons. Just as some may be all about C.R.E.A.M. , some are just motivated by DRAMA. Knowing who's currently doing what, who may be doing what, who will be doing what and with whom are just need to know information for some people; perhaps to make their horrible lives seem a little better. What's even sadder is that these drama whores never run out of things to talk about. After a while they usually gravitate toward those who are doing their job the way their supposed to. You get a compliment, they roll their eyes, and you get a new office, you’re going to lunch solo. So what do you do?
You do the same thing you've been doing. Keep doing your best to get to where you desire to be. There's 24 hours in a day. If you're spending only 8 -10 of them on the job, who cares what others think about you! The way I see it, some of us need to treat our jobs like a reality TV show… with those girls that desperately try to find” the one" in semi-famous people. You’re ultimately there to earn a paycheck and eventually excel. Don't get me wrong, I've met some great people who are still my genuine friends on the job, but that's not always the case. If your fortunate enough for that to happen, congrats! It’s cool to have someone to get a drink with after a long day and share experiences with. But if it doesn't happen, it’s ok. You're not really there to make friends...it’s a plus. I'm not saying walk around with a screw face and ignore everyone, just be a little cautious with whom you choose to cross the line from" co-worker" to "home girl". If you look closely you'll be able tell who's there for the same reasons you are and who's there to just spread their misery into new territory. Not everyone at work needs to know what club you go to every Saturday, who you're dating etc. The more people you choose to share your life story with, the less upset you can be when its all over the office in a matter of hours. The line is a thin one that if you let stretch too far, can break and backfire. If you feel like you still can't tell who you can trust on the job, just keep your mouth shut and keep it moving.
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