This is a topic that I personally hold dear to my heart, for various reasons. I have been blessed with many girlfriends and family members who are beautiful, and possess distinct features which make them gorgeous each in their own way. It seems that many people in society believe that one of those features include the complexion of our skin. We see it everyday when were given compliments by people . In case it wasn’t evident before, judging level of beauty based on how light or how dark a female may be is NOT a compliment, and could ultimately be seen as an insult. The words, "For a dark-skin girl" for a dark skin woman, supports the notion that we've made some huge accomplishment by being deemed attractive , surpassing the unattractiveness of our skin color. Some may say there a much bigger issues at hand dating back to slave ages when light skin slaves were freed faster than dark skin slaves as they were seen as being more attractive to slave masters. Also, lighter skin slaves (usually interracial slaves) were able to work in the kitchen and not take on strenuous jobs such as darker slaves. Yes, in other means, black is considered dirty and has negative connotations but here we are in 2009 and its time we realize that does not equate to our appearances. It’s amazing that this is still a major issue. Whether due to ignorance, or just plain prejudice amongst our own people, Its time to change our way of thinking not for ourselves, but for generations in front of us. With the help of media constantly highlighting the "beauty " of light-skin women with big booties and long flowing hair, it has become easy for dark skin women to neglect their true beauty, masking it with weaves, make up, and other disguises. The sooner we realize that were beautiful just the way we are, the better. Women once we
realize it in ourselves that will force those who were skeptical before to notice too.Each person decides for themselves what is attractive and what's not.

Also, everyone is entitled to a preference of certain features they feel are beautiful and there's nothing wrong with that. Also, women as a whole have a right to dress anyway they desire and just because they do wish to wear weaves doesn’t necessarily mean they are trying to hide their “blackness”. The question we need to ask ourselves is why we do the things we do. Entertaining that question ultimately may help you realize that your answer may go a lot deeper than you may think. On a similar note, please remember that America is a melting pot for different nationalities to come forth and be fruitful for themselves. We have natives from the West Indies, Africa, Peru, China, and many more. After living here for our entire lives we may think were very knowledgeable of who's who and where there from. The reasons why do support another level of ignorance that needs to be tended to. Attention: Not ALL West Indian people sound the same, not ALL Asians look the same, and the list goes on. Furthermore, if you see someone that doesn't look the way you expected for their nationality, become intrigued to learn more, not judgmental to know why. If you’re curious as to why the next Trinidadian person you meet doesn't have a strong accent, don’t assume reasons to make sense out of it. If the next Jamaican you meet has long hair or is of a lighter complexion, don't assume they must be mixed in heritage because it doesn't meet the stereotype you have become so used to. Not all Asians have a family member who owns a nail shop and not all Mexicans have an independent family business selling fruit. These are just some of the countless stereotypes we see and believe everyday. Although many of these arose from the consistency of the usual, its important to remember that this is America....the only consistent factor is the change that comes with living here. Some may feel it’s kinda cool to surpass the expectations of a country, but after a while, it’s a bit ridiculous. Embrace the differences that come and open your mind to a new pathway of learning .