I'm Dreaming
I’m dreaming,…. Although I desire to wake up
But I don’t want to because the truth is,
REALITY…exhausts me.
Forcing me to believe that maybe, just maybe,
You can never get too much sleep.
Because in my dreams,
I am loved
Loved effortlessly, wholeheartedly, in an attempt to match the love I reciprocrate.
In my dreams,
Life doesn’t come with disappointment and regret for things that were unintentional.
In my dreams,
My mind and my heart are in sync,
Not compelling me to choose which one to follow, narrowing my decision down to what’s real and what’s make believe.
I’m sadly aware of these choices because when I awake,
make believe warms me; while real…leaves me out in the cold.
In my dreams,
I find peace and serenity beyond measure
Security beyond words, actions or feelings.
Security worthy of being protected by God…. Also known as faith.
In my dreams,
I walk aimlessly,
Yet with so much direction
Point A always leads to point B in my dreams.
Hard work and learning will always lead to success…yet only in my dreams.
In the end,
My dreams are bittersweet.
As I am comforted while I sleep,
I’m always confronted with reality when I awake,
A reality so brutal that,
Leaves me anxiously waiting to go back……..
To my dreams.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Failure to Succeed...the excuse
The clock ticks louder and louder as my
Thoughts get stronger and stronger
And as my pen writes faster and faster……
I come to realization that im no longer just writing essays or filling in blanks or choosing true or false,
Im choosing to pass or fail life and pass or fail society's expectations of what it means to be successful.
Success that became defined as an education that totally deterred from a path that I was destined to follow.
Success that became defined as how high I scored on a exam amongst millions of others who are just as messed up as I am wondering if their decisions are ever going to be their own.
Your definition of "success" has led to our demise
And maybe one day youll come to realize that it doesn't necessarily take jail or slavery for a people to become institutionalized,
It took 9-950, 630 to nine, 8-3 ,50 minutes , 60 minutes, even 8 hrs spent at a time
learning how to be successful.
Spending hours and hours while you shaped my mind to blend in with a kind that led me to believe that this is the way,... when at the end of the day, all I became was trapped in you and your dreams, forgetting my own.
You conditioned my assimilation ultimately closing forever my self realization making believe I was wrong for having hair that defined my lifestyle or that I failing myself because I had an accent that reflected my culture .
Your success became the agent of control ultimately substituting society for my soulAnd the result , me being ignorant enough to commit self-suicide for the good of….what, the whole?
They say," Go to school and you'll see that possibilities are endless"
So why did everyone fail to mention that those endless possibilities only arose in the light of opportunities and that until then….. ill be stuck in darkness.
Darkness trying to fill out resumes along with welfare applications , when I just spent thousands at your institution of higher learning to ensure that I would never have to.
After writing your objectives and skills enough times, writing words after words , thoughts after thoughts, trying to show what you've learned,
you come to realize one thing you were taught that was wrong is…
that in the real world alphabetical order means nothing, leaving you to wonder what else was false about your " education".
When we live in a world where Sue will forever take precedence of Jaquisha and Tom will ever be before Dante.
So you tell me,………. how can I EVER be successful ?
Thoughts get stronger and stronger
And as my pen writes faster and faster……
I come to realization that im no longer just writing essays or filling in blanks or choosing true or false,
Im choosing to pass or fail life and pass or fail society's expectations of what it means to be successful.
Success that became defined as an education that totally deterred from a path that I was destined to follow.
Success that became defined as how high I scored on a exam amongst millions of others who are just as messed up as I am wondering if their decisions are ever going to be their own.
Your definition of "success" has led to our demise
And maybe one day youll come to realize that it doesn't necessarily take jail or slavery for a people to become institutionalized,
It took 9-950, 630 to nine, 8-3 ,50 minutes , 60 minutes, even 8 hrs spent at a time
learning how to be successful.
Spending hours and hours while you shaped my mind to blend in with a kind that led me to believe that this is the way,... when at the end of the day, all I became was trapped in you and your dreams, forgetting my own.
You conditioned my assimilation ultimately closing forever my self realization making believe I was wrong for having hair that defined my lifestyle or that I failing myself because I had an accent that reflected my culture .
Your success became the agent of control ultimately substituting society for my soulAnd the result , me being ignorant enough to commit self-suicide for the good of….what, the whole?
They say," Go to school and you'll see that possibilities are endless"
So why did everyone fail to mention that those endless possibilities only arose in the light of opportunities and that until then….. ill be stuck in darkness.
Darkness trying to fill out resumes along with welfare applications , when I just spent thousands at your institution of higher learning to ensure that I would never have to.
After writing your objectives and skills enough times, writing words after words , thoughts after thoughts, trying to show what you've learned,
you come to realize one thing you were taught that was wrong is…
that in the real world alphabetical order means nothing, leaving you to wonder what else was false about your " education".
When we live in a world where Sue will forever take precedence of Jaquisha and Tom will ever be before Dante.
So you tell me,………. how can I EVER be successful ?
Put in Work

Many people believe that effort is the key to achieving all that you need to in life. Little do they understand that there is so much to that notion. This blog touches on some of the important aspects of what I feel is required to achieve greatness: in many aspects of your life.
Hope you enjoy.
Give it all you got!
Try your best in all that you do, this way when its all said and done, this will help you carry on if things dont go your way. This concept may not seem so clear when thinking about relationships.We hear constantly that for a relationship to work, it must be 50/50. Two people equal to one another. The problem is, just because two people put their best foot forward….doesn't necessarily mean they were meant to move together in the right direction. Between two people giving equal effort, there isn't a guarantee to be one left foot given by one person and one right foot given by the other. Who knows, there may just be two left feet….which may ultimately lead you back to where you began. "There's no traffic on the extra mile", so, give it all you got. If you are in fact headed in the right direction, taking the extra steps needed to produce results will come effortlessly…..and the ride which may seem long to some…will be surprisingly easy for you. On the other hand, if your headed in the wrong direction….you will eventually run out of fuel…forced to pick up the pieces. As much as we may want to end up in a certain direction, keep in mind there will always be road signs, hinting as to which way is in fact appropriate.
Never settle for less than you deserve. As humans who work so hard and love even harder, we have a tendency to equate what we deserve based on superficial factors. It is essential not to define what you believe should be yours based on how much time you put into achieving it, nor by how much you desired it in its initial stages. What may have been good for you then, may not be the best thing for you now. We tend to have the mentality that, "I'll be damned if I let this go after all this hard work I put in or "after all I been through , this is owed to me." The important thing to remember is that life, owes you nothing. Its up to you to realize just how special you are , and how much you owe this lifetime. The time to look at is now. Its not that those things aren't important, but its not enough to be the basis for your future effort.
So how you know what you deserve? Well its important to look at not what YOU deserve, but what is deserving of you. This knowledge occurs only from within. This is when it becomes time to examine yourself through extensive self reflection. Only when this is complete will you know what you truly are worthy of and vice versa, and even more importantly, if your ready for it. Next step in knowing what you deserve and never settling for less : be ready , willing and understanding for what it will take to get there. Do not let pride interfere with your decision not to settle . Alot of times, we decide to give up on something because our pride tells us to give up, not because youre tired of putting in the work to get what you need, but because pride establishes a sense of shame and embarrasment, leaving you scared to disappoint yourself once more. To counteract your pride, the next step is self appreciation. Appreciate the struggle of not what has bought you down, but of what has essentially at this moment, picked you up. Its up to you to have faith that all things happen for a reason, and everything that does occur, is to prepare you for the life you are meant to live. No one else can do that for you.
Letting Go or Letting it be
Lets say you feel that have put in all the effort you could and have now reached the stage in your development or life span in which, physically, emotionally, mentally ….there's nothing left to be done. Emotionally, you've turned in every direction yet find yourself more confised then when you first started. Physically you've made the time to provide the blood sweat and tears you felt were necessary to achieve what you wanted.At this point the only thing left, no matter how hard you try to believe it's gone, is spiritualty. And that is more than enough for you make a final decision: to let go, or to let it be. Believe it or not, this is one of the greatest forms of effort in itself. What makes this decision so hard is that once chosen….You can let something be and then choose to let go, but you cant choose to let go and then choose let something be, expecting it to still be there when you make that decision. " Nothing that's worth it isn't worth fighting for"…..decide what situation in your life is worth the fight. If you are really torn between where and when to throw in the towel or give it one more shot, look at the pros and cons of the situation. If you have weighed your options and ultimately pursuing this struggle in your life no longer reaps rewards greater than its punishments, then Let it GO. Let that job go, let that addiction go, let that task go, let him/her go, let them go. But if you realize that despite all the pain, all the suffering, that its ultimately all worth it because the satisfaction you receive from the rewards, whether small or large in number are great enough to keep you moving forward , then that's when you let it be. Success isn't measured in quantity, its measured in capacity. If you've done all you can, stop killing yourself, and trust in the steps you've taken so far. And if its meant to be it will. If not, then you will slowly see that you didn't even have to choose to let go: the choice will be made for you.
Be true to yourself
Before you continue to put work into something in which you are unsure of the outcome, decide what's best for you. If your hardest decision involves someone who may come across as very important to you, sometimes the best thing to do is take the time to not delete them from your life, but temporarily subtract them from the situation in order to make a clear decision. If they are truly for you and worth having you in their lives, they will find a way back to you, not necessarily to pick up where you left off, but to perhaps to provide insight as to where you should be headed for the future...together or separate. If you care about someone, no matter how they have hurt you, or have done you any harm, the worst thing to do is be dishonest...with your feelings for them and your relationship. If you lead them to think every thing is ok, they will expect certain things from you that will ultimately become impossible when in your being, there is anguish towards them, and also yourself. This goes not just for relationships, but in various aspects of your life in general. Decide who and what is important TO you and who and what is important FOR you. In life you will come across many who were placed in your life at the time they were, just to get you through that stage of your development, nothing more, nothing less. Few of these people may still pop up every now and then, just to remind you of where you've been, and where you're destined to go, not essentially meaning they are a part of that journey. Whether it seemed as if the relationship was positive or negative, the truth of the matter is ,it has shaped you, molded you, scarred you: finished result: you are NOT the same as you were before. The greatest teacher is a student. Allow yourself to learn from life's mistakes ultimately impacting your progress and who knows, maybe that of someone else.
Let your heart lead the way…..not your mind
If you are torn as to what at this present moment is best for you, follow your heart. This road includes your gut instincts, no regrets and a greater appreciation for your ultimate decision. A lot of time we decide to pursue situations because when we thought it through, it seemed like the right choice. There is nothing wrong with thinking before acting, but the problem arises when things are thought about too much. You will never be satisfied with your decision.. Some of the best and most long lasting decisions are made using an impulse. Although rain may come whether you think about it or not, at least when it does arrive, can appreciate the fact that there will be a rainbow to follow.The problem with using just your mind is that even though you carried an umbrella, you will have difficulty bouncing back when the sun shines again, furthermore expecting it to rain everytime.
Final thought. Give it your best shot. Work hard, love hard, but most importantly, believe even harder. In not just what you're trying to achieve, but in yourself. Appreciate where you've been, and know that YOU ultimately decide based on your effort, where you will go.
Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy.
Give it all you got!
Try your best in all that you do, this way when its all said and done, this will help you carry on if things dont go your way. This concept may not seem so clear when thinking about relationships.We hear constantly that for a relationship to work, it must be 50/50. Two people equal to one another. The problem is, just because two people put their best foot forward….doesn't necessarily mean they were meant to move together in the right direction. Between two people giving equal effort, there isn't a guarantee to be one left foot given by one person and one right foot given by the other. Who knows, there may just be two left feet….which may ultimately lead you back to where you began. "There's no traffic on the extra mile", so, give it all you got. If you are in fact headed in the right direction, taking the extra steps needed to produce results will come effortlessly…..and the ride which may seem long to some…will be surprisingly easy for you. On the other hand, if your headed in the wrong direction….you will eventually run out of fuel…forced to pick up the pieces. As much as we may want to end up in a certain direction, keep in mind there will always be road signs, hinting as to which way is in fact appropriate.
Never settle for less than you deserve. As humans who work so hard and love even harder, we have a tendency to equate what we deserve based on superficial factors. It is essential not to define what you believe should be yours based on how much time you put into achieving it, nor by how much you desired it in its initial stages. What may have been good for you then, may not be the best thing for you now. We tend to have the mentality that, "I'll be damned if I let this go after all this hard work I put in or "after all I been through , this is owed to me." The important thing to remember is that life, owes you nothing. Its up to you to realize just how special you are , and how much you owe this lifetime. The time to look at is now. Its not that those things aren't important, but its not enough to be the basis for your future effort.
So how you know what you deserve? Well its important to look at not what YOU deserve, but what is deserving of you. This knowledge occurs only from within. This is when it becomes time to examine yourself through extensive self reflection. Only when this is complete will you know what you truly are worthy of and vice versa, and even more importantly, if your ready for it. Next step in knowing what you deserve and never settling for less : be ready , willing and understanding for what it will take to get there. Do not let pride interfere with your decision not to settle . Alot of times, we decide to give up on something because our pride tells us to give up, not because youre tired of putting in the work to get what you need, but because pride establishes a sense of shame and embarrasment, leaving you scared to disappoint yourself once more. To counteract your pride, the next step is self appreciation. Appreciate the struggle of not what has bought you down, but of what has essentially at this moment, picked you up. Its up to you to have faith that all things happen for a reason, and everything that does occur, is to prepare you for the life you are meant to live. No one else can do that for you.
Letting Go or Letting it be
Lets say you feel that have put in all the effort you could and have now reached the stage in your development or life span in which, physically, emotionally, mentally ….there's nothing left to be done. Emotionally, you've turned in every direction yet find yourself more confised then when you first started. Physically you've made the time to provide the blood sweat and tears you felt were necessary to achieve what you wanted.At this point the only thing left, no matter how hard you try to believe it's gone, is spiritualty. And that is more than enough for you make a final decision: to let go, or to let it be. Believe it or not, this is one of the greatest forms of effort in itself. What makes this decision so hard is that once chosen….You can let something be and then choose to let go, but you cant choose to let go and then choose let something be, expecting it to still be there when you make that decision. " Nothing that's worth it isn't worth fighting for"…..decide what situation in your life is worth the fight. If you are really torn between where and when to throw in the towel or give it one more shot, look at the pros and cons of the situation. If you have weighed your options and ultimately pursuing this struggle in your life no longer reaps rewards greater than its punishments, then Let it GO. Let that job go, let that addiction go, let that task go, let him/her go, let them go. But if you realize that despite all the pain, all the suffering, that its ultimately all worth it because the satisfaction you receive from the rewards, whether small or large in number are great enough to keep you moving forward , then that's when you let it be. Success isn't measured in quantity, its measured in capacity. If you've done all you can, stop killing yourself, and trust in the steps you've taken so far. And if its meant to be it will. If not, then you will slowly see that you didn't even have to choose to let go: the choice will be made for you.
Be true to yourself
Before you continue to put work into something in which you are unsure of the outcome, decide what's best for you. If your hardest decision involves someone who may come across as very important to you, sometimes the best thing to do is take the time to not delete them from your life, but temporarily subtract them from the situation in order to make a clear decision. If they are truly for you and worth having you in their lives, they will find a way back to you, not necessarily to pick up where you left off, but to perhaps to provide insight as to where you should be headed for the future...together or separate. If you care about someone, no matter how they have hurt you, or have done you any harm, the worst thing to do is be dishonest...with your feelings for them and your relationship. If you lead them to think every thing is ok, they will expect certain things from you that will ultimately become impossible when in your being, there is anguish towards them, and also yourself. This goes not just for relationships, but in various aspects of your life in general. Decide who and what is important TO you and who and what is important FOR you. In life you will come across many who were placed in your life at the time they were, just to get you through that stage of your development, nothing more, nothing less. Few of these people may still pop up every now and then, just to remind you of where you've been, and where you're destined to go, not essentially meaning they are a part of that journey. Whether it seemed as if the relationship was positive or negative, the truth of the matter is ,it has shaped you, molded you, scarred you: finished result: you are NOT the same as you were before. The greatest teacher is a student. Allow yourself to learn from life's mistakes ultimately impacting your progress and who knows, maybe that of someone else.
Let your heart lead the way…..not your mind
If you are torn as to what at this present moment is best for you, follow your heart. This road includes your gut instincts, no regrets and a greater appreciation for your ultimate decision. A lot of time we decide to pursue situations because when we thought it through, it seemed like the right choice. There is nothing wrong with thinking before acting, but the problem arises when things are thought about too much. You will never be satisfied with your decision.. Some of the best and most long lasting decisions are made using an impulse. Although rain may come whether you think about it or not, at least when it does arrive, can appreciate the fact that there will be a rainbow to follow.The problem with using just your mind is that even though you carried an umbrella, you will have difficulty bouncing back when the sun shines again, furthermore expecting it to rain everytime.
Final thought. Give it your best shot. Work hard, love hard, but most importantly, believe even harder. In not just what you're trying to achieve, but in yourself. Appreciate where you've been, and know that YOU ultimately decide based on your effort, where you will go.
Thanks for reading
PT 3. The next time around

The next time around……
My questions will have answers, leading me to be wiser than I’ve ever been before . I’ll become enlightened by our story. No boundaries will be kept, No limits will be reached…..Our love will remain endless.
The possibilities will be overwhelming, just as the first day you looked into my eyes and saw… LOVE. As days, months, even years go by, The love we share forces you to still look at me with a sense of admiration,…almost as if your seeing me each time for the first time. You’re love remains brand new.
The next time around…..
Our love will be secure, so tight even the greatest temptation will crumble at the notion of US. With love comes responsibility yet with our kinda lovin, who needs rules.
I don’t expect anything from you…and neither do you expect anything from me. Your effort comes naturally; from a place that never grows wary. In the many laps we love to run, were bound to have road blocks, but you never seem to get tired of running with me.
We ultimately strengthen our relationship as you run this race so gracefully.
The next time around,
I will not be your whole world and you may not be mine but, the time we share together will make up for it. It will make up for the seconds, minutes, even days when I’m left to daydream about you .We provide subliminal thoughts, reminding each other that,
Although were far, we’ve never been closer. I know you miss me baby, I miss you too…..
You’re body and soul cant wait to engage me , as experiencing me can’t come soon enough. When I see you, that initial smile of yours speaks what a million words can only fathom into existence. Your eyes have the power to move mountains off my heart.
It’s the love you show me that leaves me anxiously waiting for my happily ever after. My knight, you so boldly wear your armor of protection. You defend me .You knew me before I knew myself. …saving me from the loneliness that lied within.
The next time around,
You will willingly support OUR differences. Because of who I am, makes you appreciate who you are. You then become grateful thinking of what acceptance can bring for us together. You’re enlightened by my style. And even though it may not be what you’re used to, you DEAL. You don’t judge me for my imperfections, nor do you hold onto my slip-ups. I’m your angel but my human side makes loving me tangible. You try hard to grasp onto the concept of me, and you do. YOU GOT ME.
Our union may not be joined by God, but its essence derives from spirituality. You love me as you love yourself. Our commitment to each other gives hope to those around us. It’s easy.... because your love for me isn’t a secret.
The next time around,
You will make me feel special. While most want their cake and eat it too, my sweetness makes you realize you can always have both with me. I will love and appreciate your faith in me, your faith in you, and your faith in us. While many women aren’t ready for a man of your caliber, I remain on guard; ready to let my inhibitions go once more.
With me by your side, you know that you can do anything. Our love can take over the world. Believe that what you have given me will never go unrecognized. It will be worth every moment…because my love for you will never pale in comparison, but will be the force that matches your essence. There’s no stopping us.
The next time around………
My questions will have answers, leading me to be wiser than I’ve ever been before . I’ll become enlightened by our story. No boundaries will be kept, No limits will be reached…..Our love will remain endless.
The possibilities will be overwhelming, just as the first day you looked into my eyes and saw… LOVE. As days, months, even years go by, The love we share forces you to still look at me with a sense of admiration,…almost as if your seeing me each time for the first time. You’re love remains brand new.
The next time around…..
Our love will be secure, so tight even the greatest temptation will crumble at the notion of US. With love comes responsibility yet with our kinda lovin, who needs rules.
I don’t expect anything from you…and neither do you expect anything from me. Your effort comes naturally; from a place that never grows wary. In the many laps we love to run, were bound to have road blocks, but you never seem to get tired of running with me.
We ultimately strengthen our relationship as you run this race so gracefully.
The next time around,
I will not be your whole world and you may not be mine but, the time we share together will make up for it. It will make up for the seconds, minutes, even days when I’m left to daydream about you .We provide subliminal thoughts, reminding each other that,
Although were far, we’ve never been closer. I know you miss me baby, I miss you too…..
You’re body and soul cant wait to engage me , as experiencing me can’t come soon enough. When I see you, that initial smile of yours speaks what a million words can only fathom into existence. Your eyes have the power to move mountains off my heart.
It’s the love you show me that leaves me anxiously waiting for my happily ever after. My knight, you so boldly wear your armor of protection. You defend me .You knew me before I knew myself. …saving me from the loneliness that lied within.
The next time around,
You will willingly support OUR differences. Because of who I am, makes you appreciate who you are. You then become grateful thinking of what acceptance can bring for us together. You’re enlightened by my style. And even though it may not be what you’re used to, you DEAL. You don’t judge me for my imperfections, nor do you hold onto my slip-ups. I’m your angel but my human side makes loving me tangible. You try hard to grasp onto the concept of me, and you do. YOU GOT ME.
Our union may not be joined by God, but its essence derives from spirituality. You love me as you love yourself. Our commitment to each other gives hope to those around us. It’s easy.... because your love for me isn’t a secret.
The next time around,
You will make me feel special. While most want their cake and eat it too, my sweetness makes you realize you can always have both with me. I will love and appreciate your faith in me, your faith in you, and your faith in us. While many women aren’t ready for a man of your caliber, I remain on guard; ready to let my inhibitions go once more.
With me by your side, you know that you can do anything. Our love can take over the world. Believe that what you have given me will never go unrecognized. It will be worth every moment…because my love for you will never pale in comparison, but will be the force that matches your essence. There’s no stopping us.
The next time around………
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
aspirations of love pt 2: question and answer period
She asked him," Why do you think I'm so beautiful?"
And he replies……………..
"It's the way you don't have to scream and shout
just to let me know
I can see your smile in your walk, your talk
The twinkle in your eye
That lets me know I'm yours…even when sometimes my guard makes you not so sure
You're beautiful……
Because I'm your man and the world knows it
And they know it will never change,
as we tend to evolve as the years go by
Lovers, friends ,enemies, partners,
Uniting theme:
We'll never forget each other.
They may search for a smile on that delicate face
But I know where it is…
In your heart.
You're beautiful…..
I knew love before
But I didn't do love before
I didn't know how, nor would I have ever known…
Until I met you.
I learned the difference between holding hands and holding onto hands
Even when im far,
I never want to let go
I keep waiting for the day to come.
Through the struggles and trials
and at times it seems beauty's gone
to desire love elsewhere,
but that day never comes.
Even the sunshine burns when you get too much but
That's the price I'm willing to pay.
I trust you to be my shade because…….
You're beautiful
So much that I thank my past loves, past likes, even past hugs for preparing me for my future heart
I thanked them for showing me love
But I am forever grateful to my angel for helping me experience love
In all its entirety, the good and the bad.
My beautiful angel, gift from God,
You don't look out for just my physical well being
But for me spiritually
I apologize for getting so blinded by your beauty sometimes….
I just overlook its intention
So beautiful,
You make me feel like a man
But still do what you can…even when you can't
And that's beautiful.
That's lovely
That's sexy.
From your lashes down to your calves
From your kicks to your heels
I thank God for making me so lucky
While asking forgivness for thinking so naughty, when I think of you.;-)
Me needing you isn't where it ends…..you completing me is just where it begins
I wanted to give my all to you
But so beautifully,
You tried to let me keep it until the time was right
Til you were sure we both were ready for my greatness
And what love I was capable of…..
All along I had yours so we didn't have to fear
So you ask," why are you so beautiful to me?"
I could go on as long as I see us together,
Its in your stride of determination
Your heart as big as all nations
Your step when your alone,
Sincerity when were together
And my emptiness when you're too far
I cant wait to experience us again……..
To be continued……
And he replies……………..
"It's the way you don't have to scream and shout
just to let me know
I can see your smile in your walk, your talk
The twinkle in your eye
That lets me know I'm yours…even when sometimes my guard makes you not so sure
You're beautiful……
Because I'm your man and the world knows it
And they know it will never change,
as we tend to evolve as the years go by
Lovers, friends ,enemies, partners,
Uniting theme:
We'll never forget each other.
They may search for a smile on that delicate face
But I know where it is…
In your heart.
You're beautiful…..
I knew love before
But I didn't do love before
I didn't know how, nor would I have ever known…
Until I met you.
I learned the difference between holding hands and holding onto hands
Even when im far,
I never want to let go
I keep waiting for the day to come.
Through the struggles and trials
and at times it seems beauty's gone
to desire love elsewhere,
but that day never comes.
Even the sunshine burns when you get too much but
That's the price I'm willing to pay.
I trust you to be my shade because…….
You're beautiful
So much that I thank my past loves, past likes, even past hugs for preparing me for my future heart
I thanked them for showing me love
But I am forever grateful to my angel for helping me experience love
In all its entirety, the good and the bad.
My beautiful angel, gift from God,
You don't look out for just my physical well being
But for me spiritually
I apologize for getting so blinded by your beauty sometimes….
I just overlook its intention
So beautiful,
You make me feel like a man
But still do what you can…even when you can't
And that's beautiful.
That's lovely
That's sexy.
From your lashes down to your calves
From your kicks to your heels
I thank God for making me so lucky
While asking forgivness for thinking so naughty, when I think of you.;-)
Me needing you isn't where it ends…..you completing me is just where it begins
I wanted to give my all to you
But so beautifully,
You tried to let me keep it until the time was right
Til you were sure we both were ready for my greatness
And what love I was capable of…..
All along I had yours so we didn't have to fear
So you ask," why are you so beautiful to me?"
I could go on as long as I see us together,
Its in your stride of determination
Your heart as big as all nations
Your step when your alone,
Sincerity when were together
And my emptiness when you're too far
I cant wait to experience us again……..
To be continued……
Aspirations of love...pt 1
As sure as the sun shining and the birds singing
Everyday, every hour, every heart beat…….
I feel a presence of greatness,
in the presence of…...
No sensibility because it just doesn't make sense
And I wonder if it ever will.
The way you look at me
And look AT ME….
And see beauty surpassing the entity
which makes up my face and thighs
But goes further, deeper , tighter, brighter, higher….
High enough that even looking down and around on a beach full of sand,
I'm the only pearl you see.
The way you see beauty so rich, it perfects my flaws…..
Although you never try to hurt me, I welcome the pain felt when I pinch my self
To see if I'll awaken from you
Vision so lovely, you brighten the rainiest day
Providing an umbrella big enough for the both of us
Because if I hurt, you hurt.
Its funny how we became blank canvases again after being
Scratched, crumpled, look over and stepped on
With you, I, no….. WE have written stories to tell evolutions of us for ages….
The tale starting with two slates so different, but so hungry with desire
Desire to grow,
Desire to feel
Desire to be….human
Most importantly a desire to see,
That no matter what life throws our way,
Our souls are intertwined
And the thought of " me" or "I"
Never means "me" or "I" for too long
Because being with out you just isn't in the equation.
That which created itself as we looked into each other's eyes
With an attraction so fierce
We wished our souls could subtract clothing….
and it did.
I wonder if its possible to see history before the present ever arises…
And as I glance at you from a distance,
I wonder if in our past lives we were once twins
Because from the first day we met, we linked, we clicked, we even grew sick
Sick of imaging a day without the smile of my soulmate…….......
Everyday, every hour, every heart beat…….
I feel a presence of greatness,
in the presence of…...
No sensibility because it just doesn't make sense
And I wonder if it ever will.
The way you look at me
And look AT ME….
And see beauty surpassing the entity
which makes up my face and thighs
But goes further, deeper , tighter, brighter, higher….
High enough that even looking down and around on a beach full of sand,
I'm the only pearl you see.
The way you see beauty so rich, it perfects my flaws…..
Although you never try to hurt me, I welcome the pain felt when I pinch my self
To see if I'll awaken from you
Vision so lovely, you brighten the rainiest day
Providing an umbrella big enough for the both of us
Because if I hurt, you hurt.
Its funny how we became blank canvases again after being
Scratched, crumpled, look over and stepped on
With you, I, no….. WE have written stories to tell evolutions of us for ages….
The tale starting with two slates so different, but so hungry with desire
Desire to grow,
Desire to feel
Desire to be….human
Most importantly a desire to see,
That no matter what life throws our way,
Our souls are intertwined
And the thought of " me" or "I"
Never means "me" or "I" for too long
Because being with out you just isn't in the equation.
That which created itself as we looked into each other's eyes
With an attraction so fierce
We wished our souls could subtract clothing….
and it did.
I wonder if its possible to see history before the present ever arises…
And as I glance at you from a distance,
I wonder if in our past lives we were once twins
Because from the first day we met, we linked, we clicked, we even grew sick
Sick of imaging a day without the smile of my soulmate…….......
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